Like usual, I've been doing all the big girl things lately. I've been teething pretty bad the last week or so, so there are new teeth on the horizon. Two weekends ago I went up north for a Spring retreat with church and I was on my very best behavior. After that, I turned into Janezilla for a week (teething). Then I went up north again last weekend to help my Dad open the cabin. We had lots of fun raking and hanging out with family. My Dad forgot to pack my jacket so my Auntie Yvonne made me a makeshift jacket out of Great Grandma Hansvick's sweatshirt. Other than that, I am not crawling yet but I'm all over place. I'm all about assisted walking. I maybe used my first sign language this week (of course it was the sign for "food"). I really really want to start talking so I babble a lot. I am also starting to become obsessed with puppy doggies. I love puppy doggies. My Mom will try to capture some of this excitement on camera so we can share that with everyone.
I've gotten very good about eating on my own and I've been a lot more of Mom and Dad's food. mmmmm food.