Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm gearing up for my first Christmas. (Auntie M, I'm trying to open your present)

I am really starting to like things my way. Yesterday my Mom was working around the house while Daddy took care of me. When Mommy walked in the room where I was sitting I lifted my arms up and started fussing because I wanted Mommy to pick me up. I also really like playing with my toys much better than taking naps. I have mastered eating vegetables so we moved onto fruits. Yum yum. Bananas and peaches are much more delicious than green beans or peas. Mommy even gave me a sippy cup today but I wasn't sure what to do with it so I just chewed on it instead. I still don't have any teeth but my parents think (hope) this will happen soon because I have been a drooling and spitting up machine not to mention a little fussy when I am in pain.